Saturday, February 8, 2014

Kourney at Parties:

I have pretty bad social anxiety so I tend to avoid going to parties - particularly parties of people I don't know. But when I was asked to go yesterday, I agreed! (much to my own surprise)

I walked in the door like I was Pink in the 90's and I about to get this party started. I had my ginger-ale in hand, respectfully took my shoes off, and greeted the person I thought was the host of the party.

I made my way around greeting and introducing myself to the humans that filled the room.
 I am not very good with small talk. I think it is a waste of time.

What Kourtney says, "huh!"
What Kourtney is thinking, "Literally everything you just said does not matter."

I will not remember your name if you are not interesting.

(See! This is why I avoid parties. I'm the worst.)

So I tend to talk about things that could potentially spur a proper discussion.

I could see in their eyes how they were soooooo not there with me but I went on talking about different Shakespeare plays because I didn't know what else to do, and I figured it was a better topic than serial killers.

As I was left standing in the middle of the room by my self, I started giggling hysterically. I had realized that I had just done what The Programmers had done when they tried to flirt with us at The Up and Up just a week ago.

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